// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Part of: Photon Unity Utilities,
// Handles the network culling.
// developer@exitgames.com
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Photon.Pun;
namespace Photon.Pun.UtilityScripts
using ExitGames.Client.Photon;
/// Handles the network culling.
public class CullingHandler : MonoBehaviour, IPunObservable
private int orderIndex;
private CullArea cullArea;
private List previousActiveCells, activeCells;
private PhotonView pView;
private Vector3 lastPosition, currentPosition;
// used to limit the number of UpdateInterestGroups calls per second (there is no use to change groups more than a few times per second, even if the Culling algorithm makes it look like that)
private float timeSinceUpdate;
// see timeSinceUpdate
private float timeBetweenUpdatesMin = 0.33f;
/// Gets references to the PhotonView component and the cull area game object.
private void OnEnable()
if (this.pView == null)
this.pView = GetComponent();
if (!this.pView.IsMine)
if (this.cullArea == null)
this.cullArea = FindObjectOfType();
this.previousActiveCells = new List(0);
this.activeCells = new List(0);
this.currentPosition = this.lastPosition = transform.position;
/// Initializes the right interest group or prepares the permanent change of the interest Group of the PhotonView component.
private void Start()
if (!this.pView.IsMine)
if (PhotonNetwork.InRoom)
if (this.cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions == 0)
this.pView.Group = this.cullArea.FIRST_GROUP_ID;
PhotonNetwork.SetInterestGroups(this.cullArea.FIRST_GROUP_ID, true);
// This is used to continuously update the active group.
/// Checks if the player has moved previously and updates the interest groups if necessary.
private void Update()
if (!this.pView.IsMine)
// we'll limit how often this update may run at all (to avoid too frequent changes and flooding the server with SetInterestGroups calls)
this.timeSinceUpdate += Time.deltaTime;
if (this.timeSinceUpdate < this.timeBetweenUpdatesMin)
this.lastPosition = this.currentPosition;
this.currentPosition = transform.position;
// This is a simple position comparison of the current and the previous position.
// When using Network Culling in a bigger project keep in mind that there might
// be more transform-related options, e.g. the rotation, or other options to check.
if (this.currentPosition != this.lastPosition)
if (this.HaveActiveCellsChanged())
this.timeSinceUpdate = 0;
/// Drawing informations.
private void OnGUI()
if (!this.pView.IsMine)
string subscribedAndActiveCells = "Inside cells:\n";
string subscribedCells = "Subscribed cells:\n";
for (int index = 0; index < this.activeCells.Count; ++index)
if (index <= this.cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions)
subscribedAndActiveCells += this.activeCells[index] + " | ";
subscribedCells += this.activeCells[index] + " | ";
GUI.Label(new Rect(20.0f, Screen.height - 120.0f, 200.0f, 40.0f), "PhotonView Group: " + this.pView.Group + "", new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft, fontSize = 16 });
GUI.Label(new Rect(20.0f, Screen.height - 100.0f, 200.0f, 40.0f), "" + subscribedAndActiveCells + "", new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft, fontSize = 16 });
GUI.Label(new Rect(20.0f, Screen.height - 60.0f, 200.0f, 40.0f), "" + subscribedCells + "", new GUIStyle() { alignment = TextAnchor.UpperLeft, fontSize = 16 });
/// Checks if the previously active cells have changed.
/// True if the previously active cells have changed and false otherwise.
private bool HaveActiveCellsChanged()
if (this.cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions == 0)
return false;
this.previousActiveCells = new List(this.activeCells);
this.activeCells = this.cullArea.GetActiveCells(transform.position);
// If the player leaves the area we insert the whole area itself as an active cell.
// This can be removed if it is sure that the player is not able to leave the area.
while (this.activeCells.Count <= this.cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions)
if (this.activeCells.Count != this.previousActiveCells.Count)
return true;
if (this.activeCells[this.cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions] != this.previousActiveCells[this.cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions])
return true;
return false;
/// Unsubscribes from old and subscribes to new interest groups.
private void UpdateInterestGroups()
List disable = new List(0);
foreach (byte groupId in this.previousActiveCells)
if (!this.activeCells.Contains(groupId))
PhotonNetwork.SetInterestGroups(disable.ToArray(), this.activeCells.ToArray());
#region IPunObservable implementation
/// This time OnPhotonSerializeView is not used to send or receive any kind of data.
/// It is used to change the currently active group of the PhotonView component, making it work together with PUN more directly.
/// Keep in mind that this function is only executed, when there is at least one more player in the room.
public void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info)
// If the player leaves the area we insert the whole area itself as an active cell.
// This can be removed if it is sure that the player is not able to leave the area.
while (this.activeCells.Count <= this.cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions)
if (this.cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions == 1)
this.orderIndex = (++this.orderIndex % this.cullArea.SUBDIVISION_FIRST_LEVEL_ORDER.Length);
this.pView.Group = this.activeCells[this.cullArea.SUBDIVISION_FIRST_LEVEL_ORDER[this.orderIndex]];
else if (this.cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions == 2)
this.orderIndex = (++this.orderIndex % this.cullArea.SUBDIVISION_SECOND_LEVEL_ORDER.Length);
this.pView.Group = this.activeCells[this.cullArea.SUBDIVISION_SECOND_LEVEL_ORDER[this.orderIndex]];
else if (this.cullArea.NumberOfSubdivisions == 3)
this.orderIndex = (++this.orderIndex % this.cullArea.SUBDIVISION_THIRD_LEVEL_ORDER.Length);
this.pView.Group = this.activeCells[this.cullArea.SUBDIVISION_THIRD_LEVEL_ORDER[this.orderIndex]];