(function (global, document) { "use strict"; (document); // Talks to the API and sends an reset email. global.sendResetHex = function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var allOk = global.unfilledMark(["#email"], function(el) { el.css("border-bottom", "1px solid red"); }); if (!allOk) { global.textSet("#err", "Please make sure all fields are filled."); return; } var entity = "owner"; if (global.paramGet("commenter") === "true") { entity = "commenter"; } var json = { "email": $("#email").val(), "entity": entity, }; global.buttonDisable("#reset-button"); global.post(global.origin + "/api/forgot", json, function(resp) { global.buttonEnable("#reset-button"); global.textSet("#err", ""); if (!resp.success) { global.textSet("#err", resp.message); return } $("#msg").html("If that email is a registered account, you will receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password."); $("#reset-button").hide(); }); } } (window.commento, document));