(function(global, document) { "use strict"; // Do not use other files like utils.js and http.js in the gulpfile to build // commento.js for the following reasons: // - We don't use jQuery in the actual JavaScript payload because we need // to be lightweight. // - They pollute the global/window namespace (with global.post, etc.). // That's NOT fine when we expect them to source our JavaScript. For example, // the user may have their own window.post defined. We don't want to // override that. var ID_ROOT = "commento"; var ID_MAIN_AREA = "commento-main-area"; var ID_LOGIN = "commento-login"; var ID_LOGIN_BOX_CONTAINER = "commento-login-box-container"; var ID_LOGIN_BOX = "commento-login-box"; var ID_LOGIN_BOX_EMAIL_SUBTITLE = "commento-login-box-email-subtitle"; var ID_LOGIN_BOX_EMAIL_INPUT = "commento-login-box-email-input"; var ID_LOGIN_BOX_PASSWORD_INPUT = "commento-login-box-password-input"; var ID_LOGIN_BOX_NAME_INPUT = "commento-login-box-name-input"; var ID_LOGIN_BOX_WEBSITE_INPUT = "commento-login-box-website-input"; var ID_LOGIN_BOX_EMAIL_BUTTON = "commento-login-box-email-button"; var ID_LOGIN_BOX_FORGOT_LINK_CONTAINER = "commento-login-box-forgot-link-container"; var ID_LOGIN_BOX_LOGIN_LINK_CONTAINER = "commento-login-box-login-link-container"; var ID_LOGIN_BOX_SSO_PRETEXT = "commento-login-box-sso-pretext"; var ID_LOGIN_BOX_SSO_BUTTON_CONTAINER = "commento-login-box-sso-buttton-container"; var ID_LOGIN_BOX_HR1 = "commento-login-box-hr1"; 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var isModerator = false; var isFrozen = false; var chosenAnonymous = false; var isLocked = false; var stickyCommentHex = "none"; var shownReply = {}; var shownEdit = {}; var configuredOauths = {}; var anonymousOnly = false; var popupBoxType = "login"; var oauthButtonsShown = false; var sortPolicy = "score-desc"; var selfHex = undefined; var mobileView = null; function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function tags(tag) { return document.getElementsByTagName(tag); } function prepend(root, el) { root.prepend(el); } function append(root, el) { root.appendChild(el); } function insertAfter(el1, el2) { el1.parentNode.insertBefore(el2, el1.nextSibling); } function classAdd(el, cls) { el.classList.add("commento-" + cls); } function classRemove(el, cls) { if (el !== null) { el.classList.remove("commento-" + cls); } } function create(el) { return document.createElement(el); } function remove(el) { if (el !== null) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } } function attrGet(node, a) { var attr = node.attributes[a]; 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You cannot add new comments.")); remove($(ID_LOGIN)); } else { append(mainArea, login); append(mainArea, textareaCreate("root")); } } else { if (!isAuthenticated) { append(mainArea, login); } else { remove($(ID_LOGIN)); } append(mainArea, textareaCreate("root")); } if (comments.length > 0) { append(mainArea, sortPolicyBox()); } append(mainArea, preCommentsArea); append(mainArea, commentsArea); append(root, mainArea); call(callback); } function messageCreate(text) { var msg = create("div"); classAdd(msg, "moderation-notice"); msg.innerText = text; return msg; } global.commentNew = function(id, commenterToken, callback) { var textareaSuperContainer = $(ID_SUPER_CONTAINER + id); var textarea = $(ID_TEXTAREA + id); var replyButton = $(ID_REPLY + id); var markdown = textarea.value; if (markdown === "") { classAdd(textarea, "red-border"); return; } else { classRemove(textarea, "red-border"); } var json = { "commenterToken": commenterToken, "domain": parent.location.host, "path": pageId, "parentHex": id, "markdown": markdown, }; 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classRemove(replyButton, "option-cancel"); replyButton.title = "Reply to this comment"; onclick(replyButton, global.replyShow, id) } else { textarea.value = ""; insertAfter($(ID_PRE_COMMENTS_AREA), newCard); } call(callback); }); } function colorGet(name) { var colors = [ "#396ab1", "#da7c30", "#3e9651", "#cc2529", "#922428", "#6b4c9a", "#535154", ]; var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { total += name.charCodeAt(i); } var color = colors[total % colors.length]; return color; } function timeDifference(current, previous) { // thanks stackoverflow // Times are defined in milliseconds var msPerSecond = 1000; var msPerMinute = 60 * msPerSecond; var msPerHour = 60 * msPerMinute; var msPerDay = 24 * msPerHour; var msPerMonth = 30 * msPerDay; var msPerYear = 12 * msPerMonth; // Time ago thresholds var msJustNow = 5 * msPerSecond; // Up until 5 s var msMinutesAgo = 2 * msPerMinute; // Up until 2 minutes var msHoursAgo = 2 * msPerHour; // Up until 2 hours var msDaysAgo = 2 * msPerDay; // Up until 2 days var msMonthsAgo = 2 * msPerMonth; // Up until 2 months var msYearsAgo = 2 * msPerYear; // Up until 2 years var elapsed = current - previous; if (elapsed < msJustNow) { return "just now"; } else if (elapsed < msMinutesAgo) { return Math.round(elapsed / msPerSecond) + " seconds ago"; } else if (elapsed < msHoursAgo) { return Math.round(elapsed / msPerMinute) + " minutes ago"; } else if (elapsed < msDaysAgo ) { return Math.round(elapsed / msPerHour ) + " hours ago"; } else if (elapsed < msMonthsAgo) { return Math.round(elapsed / msPerDay) + " days ago"; } else if (elapsed < msYearsAgo) { return Math.round(elapsed / msPerMonth) + " months ago"; } else { return Math.round(elapsed / msPerYear ) + " years ago"; } } function scorify(score) { if (score !== 1) { return score + " points"; } else { return score + " point"; } } var sortPolicyFunctions = { "score-desc": function(a, b) { return b.score - a.score; }, "creationdate-desc": function(a, b) { if (a.creationDate < b.creationDate) { return 1; } else { return -1; } }, "creationdate-asc": function(a, b) { if (a.creationDate < b.creationDate) { return -1; } else { return 1; } }, }; function commentsRecurse(parentMap, parentHex) { var cur = parentMap[parentHex]; if (!cur || !cur.length) { return null; } cur.sort(function(a, b) { if (!a.deleted && a.commentHex === stickyCommentHex) { return -Infinity; } else if (!b.deleted && b.commentHex === stickyCommentHex) { return Infinity; } return sortPolicyFunctions[sortPolicy](a, b); }); var curTime = (new Date()).getTime(); var cards = create("div"); cur.forEach(function(comment) { var commenter = commenters[comment.commenterHex]; var avatar; var card = create("div"); var header = create("div"); var subtitle = create("div"); var timeago = create("div"); var score = create("div"); var body = create("div"); var text = create("div"); var options = create("div"); var edit = create("button"); var reply = create("button"); var collapse = create("button"); var upvote = create("button"); var downvote = create("button"); 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sticky.id = ID_STICKY + comment.commentHex; if (children) { children.id = ID_CHILDREN + comment.commentHex; } contents.id = ID_CONTENTS + comment.commentHex; name.id = ID_NAME + comment.commentHex; collapse.title = "Collapse children"; upvote.title = "Upvote"; downvote.title = "Downvote"; edit.title = "Edit"; reply.title = "Reply"; approve.title = "Approve"; remove.title = "Remove"; if (stickyCommentHex === comment.commentHex) { if (isModerator) { sticky.title = "Unsticky"; } else { sticky.title = "This comment has been stickied"; } } else { sticky.title = "Sticky"; } timeago.title = comment.creationDate.toString(); card.style["borderLeft"] = "2px solid " + color; if (comment.deleted) { name.innerText = "[deleted]"; } else { name.innerText = commenter.name; } text.innerHTML = comment.html; timeago.innerHTML = timeDifference(curTime, comment.creationDate); score.innerText = scorify(comment.score); if (commenter.photo === "undefined") { avatar = create("div"); avatar.style["background"] = color; 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var textarea = $(ID_SUPER_CONTAINER + id); textarea.innerHTML = commentsMap[id].html; textarea.id = ID_TEXT + id; delete shownEdit[id]; classAdd(editButton, "option-edit"); classRemove(editButton, "option-cancel"); editButton.title = "Edit comment"; editButton = removeAllEventListeners(editButton); onclick(editButton, global.editShow, id) var message = ""; if (resp.state === "unapproved") { message = "Your comment is under moderation."; } else if (resp.state === "flagged") { message = "Your comment was flagged as spam and is under moderation."; } if (message !== "") { prepend($(ID_SUPER_CONTAINER + id), messageCreate(message)); } }); } global.editShow = function(id) { if (id in shownEdit && shownEdit[id]) { return; } var text = $(ID_TEXT + id); shownEdit[id] = true; text.replaceWith(textareaCreate(id, true)); var textarea = $(ID_TEXTAREA + id); textarea.value = commentsMap[id].markdown; var editButton = $(ID_EDIT + id); classRemove(editButton, "option-edit"); classAdd(editButton, "option-cancel"); 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var el = $(ID_SUPER_CONTAINER + id); el.remove(); delete shownReply[id]; classAdd(replyButton, "option-reply"); classRemove(replyButton, "option-cancel"); replyButton.title = "Reply to this comment"; replyButton = removeAllEventListeners(replyButton); onclick(replyButton, global.replyShow, id) } global.commentCollapse = function(id) { var children = $(ID_CHILDREN + id); var button = $(ID_COLLAPSE + id); if (children) { classAdd(children, "hidden"); } classRemove(button, "option-collapse"); classAdd(button, "option-uncollapse"); button.title = "Expand children"; button = removeAllEventListeners(button); onclick(button, global.commentUncollapse, id); } global.commentUncollapse = function(id) { var children = $(ID_CHILDREN + id); var button = $(ID_COLLAPSE + id); if (children) { classRemove(children, "hidden"); } classRemove(button, "option-uncollapse"); classAdd(button, "option-collapse"); button.title = "Collapse children"; button = removeAllEventListeners(button); onclick(button, global.commentCollapse, id); 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commentsGet(commentsRender); }); } else { global.loginBoxClose(); commentsGet(commentsRender); } }); } }, 250); }); } function refreshAll(callback) { $(ID_ROOT).innerHTML = ""; shownReply = {}; global.main(callback); } function loginBoxCreate() { var loginBoxContainer = create("div"); loginBoxContainer.id = ID_LOGIN_BOX_CONTAINER; append(root, loginBoxContainer); } global.popupRender = function(id) { var loginBoxContainer = $(ID_LOGIN_BOX_CONTAINER); var loginBox = create("div"); var ssoSubtitle = create("div"); var ssoButtonContainer = create("div"); var ssoButton = create("div"); var hr1 = create("hr"); var oauthSubtitle = create("div"); var oauthButtonsContainer = create("div"); var oauthButtons = create("div"); var hr2 = create("hr"); var emailSubtitle = create("div"); var emailContainer = create("div"); var email = create("div"); var emailInput = create("input"); var emailButton = create("button"); var forgotLinkContainer = create("div"); var forgotLink = create("a"); var loginLinkContainer = create("div"); 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Sign up."; emailSubtitle.innerText = "Login with your email address"; emailButton.innerText = "Continue"; oauthSubtitle.innerText = "Proceed with social login"; ssoSubtitle.innerText = "Proceed with " + parent.location.host + " authentication"; onclick(emailButton, global.passwordAsk, id); onclick(forgotLink, global.forgotPassword, id); onclick(loginLink, global.popupSwitch, id); onclick(close, global.loginBoxClose); attrSet(loginBoxContainer, "style", "display: none; opacity: 0;"); attrSet(emailInput, "name", "email"); attrSet(emailInput, "placeholder", "Email address"); attrSet(emailInput, "type", "text"); var numOauthConfigured = 0; var oauthProviders = ["google", "twitter", "github", "gitlab"]; oauthProviders.forEach(function(provider) { if (configuredOauths[provider]) { var button = create("button"); classAdd(button, "button"); classAdd(button, provider + "-button"); button.innerText = provider; onclick(button, global.commentoAuth, {"provider": provider, "id": id}); append(oauthButtons, button); 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$(ID_LOGIN_BOX_EMAIL_INPUT).focus(); } function loginUP(username, password, id) { var json = { "email": username, "password": password, }; post(origin + "/api/commenter/login", json, function(resp) { if (!resp.success) { global.loginBoxClose(); errorShow(resp.message); return } else { errorHide(); } cookieSet("commentoCommenterToken", resp.commenterToken); selfLoad(resp.commenter, resp.email); allShow(); remove($(ID_LOGIN)); if (id !== null) { global.commentNew(id, resp.commenterToken, function() { global.loginBoxClose(); commentsGet(commentsRender); }); } else { global.loginBoxClose(); commentsGet(commentsRender); } }); } global.login = function(id) { var email = $(ID_LOGIN_BOX_EMAIL_INPUT); var password = $(ID_LOGIN_BOX_PASSWORD_INPUT); loginUP(email.value, password.value, id); } global.signup = function(id) { var email = $(ID_LOGIN_BOX_EMAIL_INPUT); var name = $(ID_LOGIN_BOX_NAME_INPUT); var website = $(ID_LOGIN_BOX_WEBSITE_INPUT); var password = $(ID_LOGIN_BOX_PASSWORD_INPUT); var json = { "email": email.value, "name": name.value, "website": website.value, "password": password.value, }; 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The div we need to fill might not have // been parsed yet, so let's wait and retry when the readyState changes. // If there is more than one state change, we aren't affected because we // have a double-call protection in init(). document.addEventListener("readystatechange", readyLoad); } else if (readyState === "interactive") { // The document has been parsed and DOM objects are now accessible. While // JS, CSS, and images are still loading, we don't need to wait. init(); } else if (readyState === "complete") { // The page has fully loaded (including JS, CSS, and images). From our // point of view, this is practically no different from interactive. init(); } }; readyLoad(); }(window.commento, document));