(function(global, document) { 'use strict'; // Do not use other files like utils.js and http.js in the Makefile to build // commento.js for the following reasons: // - We don't use jQuery in the actual JavaScript payload because we need // to be lightweight. // - They pollute the global/window namespace (with global.post, etc.). // That's NOT fine when we expect them source our JavaScript. For example, // the user may have their own window.post defined. We don't want to // override that. var origin = global.commento_origin; var cdn = global.commento_cdn; var root = null; var isAuthenticated = false; var comments = []; var commenters = []; var requireIdentification = true; var requireModeration = true; var isModerator = false; var isFrozen = false; var chosenAnonymous = false; var shownSubmitButton = {"root": false}; var shownReply = {}; function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); } function dataGet(el, key) { return el.dataset[key]; } function dataSet(el, key, data) { el.dataset[key] = data; } function append(root, el) { root.appendChild(el); } function prepend(root, el) { root.prepend(el); } function classAdd(el, cls) { el.classList.add("commento-" + cls); } function classRemove(el, cls) { el.classList.remove("commento-" + cls); } function create(el) { return document.createElement(el); } function remove(el) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } function attr(node, a, value) { node.setAttribute(a, value); } function post(url, data, callback) { var xmlDoc = new XMLHttpRequest(); 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if (session === undefined) return "anonymous"; return session; } global.logout = function() { cookieSet("session", "anonymous"); refreshAll(); } function selfGet(callback) { var session = sessionGet(); if (session == "anonymous") { isAuthenticated = false; call(callback); return; } var json = { session: sessionGet(), }; post(origin + "/api/commenter/self", json, function(resp) { console.log(resp); if (!resp.success) { cookieSet("session", "anonymous"); call(callback); return; } var loggedContainer = create("div"); var loggedInAs = create("div"); var name = create("a"); var photo = create("img"); var logout = create("div"); classAdd(loggedContainer, "logged-container"); classAdd(loggedInAs, "logged-in-as"); classAdd(name, "name"); classAdd(photo, "photo"); classAdd(logout, "logout"); name.innerText = resp.commenter.name; logout.innerText = "Logout"; attr(name, "href", resp.commenter.link); if (resp.commenter.provider == "google") { attr(photo, "src", resp.commenter.photo + "?sz=50"); } else { attr(photo, "src", resp.commenter.photo); } attr(logout, "onclick", "logout()"); append(loggedInAs, photo); append(loggedInAs, name); append(loggedContainer, loggedInAs); append(loggedContainer, logout); append(root, loggedContainer); isAuthenticated = true; call(callback); }); } function cssLoad(file) { var link = create("link"); var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; link.type = "text/css"; attr(link, "href", file); attr(link, "rel", "stylesheet"); append(head, link); } function jsLoad(file, ready) { var script = document.createElement("script"); var loaded = false; script.type = "application/javascript"; script.src = file; script.async = true; script.onreadysessionchange = script.onload = function() { if (!loaded && (!this.readySession || this.readySession === "loaded" || this.readySession === "complete")) { ready(); } loaded = true; script.onload = script.onreadysessionchange = null; }; append(document.body, script); } function footerLoad() { var footer = create("div"); var aContainer = create("div"); var a = create("a"); 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return; } else { classRemove(textarea, "red-border"); } var json = { "session": sessionGet(), "domain": location.host, "path": location.pathname, "parentHex": id, "markdown": comment, }; post(origin + "/api/comment/new", json, function(resp) { if (!resp.success) { errorShow(resp.message); return; } $(ID_TEXTAREA + id).value = ""; commentsGet(function() { $(ID_COMMENTS_AREA).innerHTML = ""; commentsRender(); if (requireModeration && !isModerator) { if (id == "root") { var body = $(ID_SUPER_CONTAINER + id); prepend(body, messageCreate("Your comment is under moderation.")); } else { var body = $(ID_BODY + id); append(body, messageCreate("Your comment is under moderation.")); } } }); }); } function colorGet(name) { var colors = [ // some visually distincy "#35b2de", // some kind of teal/cyan "#62cd0a", // fresh lemon green "#383838", // shade of gray "#e4a90f", // comfy yellow "#f80707", // sharp red "#f0479c", // bright pink ]; var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) total += name.charCodeAt(i); var color = colors[total % colors.length]; return color; } function timeDifference(current, previous) { // thanks stackoverflow var msJustNow = 5000; var msPerMinute = 60000; var msPerHour = 3600000; var msPerDay = 86400000; var msPerMonth = 2592000000; var msPerYear = 946080000000; var elapsed = current - previous; if (elapsed < msJustNow) { return 'just now'; } else if (elapsed < msPerMinute) { return Math.round(elapsed/1000) + ' seconds ago'; } else if (elapsed < msPerHour) { return Math.round(elapsed/msPerMinute) + ' minutes ago'; } else if (elapsed < msPerDay ) { return Math.round(elapsed/msPerHour ) + ' hours ago'; } else if (elapsed < msPerMonth) { return Math.round(elapsed/msPerDay) + ' days ago'; } else if (elapsed < msPerYear) { return Math.round(elapsed/msPerMonth) + ' months ago'; } else { return Math.round(elapsed/msPerYear ) + ' years ago'; } } function scorify(score) { if (score != 1) return score + " points"; else return score + " point"; } var ID_ERROR = "commento-error"; var ID_COMMENTS_AREA = "commento-comments-area"; var ID_SUPER_CONTAINER = "commento-textarea-super-container-"; var ID_TEXTAREA_CONTAINER = "commento-textarea-container-"; var ID_TEXTAREA = "commento-textarea-"; var ID_CARD = "commento-comment-card-"; var ID_BODY = "commento-comment-body-"; var ID_SUBTITLE = "commento-comment-subtitle-"; var ID_SCORE = "commento-comment-score-"; var ID_OPTIONS = "commento-comment-options-"; var ID_EDIT = "commento-comment-edit-"; var ID_REPLY = "commento-comment-reply-"; var ID_COLLAPSE = "commento-comment-collapse-"; var ID_UPVOTE = "commento-comment-upvote-"; var ID_DOWNVOTE = "commento-comment-downvote-"; var ID_APPROVE = "commento-comment-approve-"; var ID_REMOVE = "commento-comment-remove-"; var ID_CONTENTS = "commento-comment-contents-"; var ID_SUBMIT_BUTTON = "commento-submit-button-"; function commentsRecurse(parentMap, parentHex) { var cur = parentMap[parentHex]; if (!cur || !cur.length) { return null; } var cards = create("div"); cur.forEach(function(comment) { var commenter = commenters[comment.commenterHex]; var avatar; var card = create("div"); var header = create("div"); var subtitle = create("div"); var score = create("div"); var body = create("div"); var options = create("div"); var edit = create("button"); var reply = create("button"); var collapse = create("button"); var upvote = create("div"); var downvote = create("div"); var approve = create("button"); var remove = create("button"); var children = commentsRecurse(parentMap, comment.commentHex); var contents = create("div"); var color = colorGet(commenter.name); var name; if (commenter.link != "undefined") name = create("a"); else name = create("div"); card.id = ID_CARD + comment.commentHex; body.id = ID_BODY + comment.commentHex; subtitle.id = ID_SUBTITLE + comment.commentHex; score.id = ID_SCORE + comment.commentHex; options.id = ID_OPTIONS + comment.commentHex; edit.id = ID_EDIT + comment.commentHex; reply.id = ID_REPLY + comment.commentHex; collapse.id = ID_COLLAPSE + comment.commentHex; upvote.id = ID_UPVOTE + comment.commentHex; 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} classAdd(avatar, "avatar-img"); } classAdd(card, "card"); if (isModerator && comment.state == "unapproved") classAdd(card, "dark-card"); classAdd(header, "header"); classAdd(name, "name"); classAdd(subtitle, "subtitle"); classAdd(score, "score"); classAdd(body, "body"); classAdd(options, "options"); classAdd(edit, "option-button"); classAdd(edit, "option-edit"); classAdd(reply, "option-button"); classAdd(reply, "option-reply"); classAdd(collapse, "option-button"); classAdd(collapse, "option-collapse"); classAdd(upvote, "option-button"); classAdd(upvote, "option-upvote"); classAdd(downvote, "option-button"); classAdd(downvote, "option-downvote"); classAdd(approve, "option-button"); classAdd(approve, "option-approve"); classAdd(remove, "option-button"); classAdd(remove, "option-remove"); if (isAuthenticated) { if (comment.direction > 0) classAdd(upvote, "upvoted"); else if (comment.direction < 0) classAdd(downvote, "downvoted"); } attr(edit, "onclick", "startEdit('" + comment.commentHex + "')"); attr(reply, "onclick", "replyShow('" + comment.commentHex + "')"); attr(collapse, "onclick", "commentCollapse('" + comment.commentHex + "')"); attr(approve, "onclick", "commentApprove('" + comment.commentHex + "')"); attr(remove, "onclick", "commentDelete('" + comment.commentHex + "')"); if (isAuthenticated) { if (comment.direction > 0) { attr(upvote, "onclick", "vote('" + comment.commentHex + "', 1, 0)"); attr(downvote, "onclick", "vote('" + comment.commentHex + "', 1, -1)"); } else if (comment.direction < 0) { attr(upvote, "onclick", "vote('" + comment.commentHex + "', -1, 1)"); attr(downvote, "onclick", "vote('" + comment.commentHex + "', -1, 0)"); } else { attr(upvote, "onclick", "vote('" + comment.commentHex + "', 0, 1)"); attr(downvote, "onclick", "vote('" + comment.commentHex + "', 0, -1)"); } } else if (!chosenAnonymous) { attr(upvote, "onclick", "replyShow('" + comment.commentHex + "')"); } if (isAuthenticated) { if (isModerator) { if (comment.state == "unapproved") attr(options, "style", "width: 192px;"); else attr(options, "style", "width: 160px;"); } else attr(options, "style", "width: 128px;"); } else attr(options, "style", "width: 32px;"); if (commenter.link != "undefined") attr(name, "href", commenter.link); if (false) // replace when edit is implemented append(options, edit); if (isAuthenticated) { append(options, upvote); append(options, downvote); append(options, reply); } if (isModerator) { if (comment.state == "unapproved") append(options, approve); append(options, remove); } append(options, collapse); append(subtitle, score); append(header, options); append(header, avatar); append(header, name); append(header, subtitle); append(contents, body); if (children) { classAdd(children, "body"); append(contents, children); } append(card, header); append(card, contents); append(cards, card); shownSubmitButton[comment.commentHex] = false; }); return cards; } global.commentApprove = function(commentHex) { var json = { "session": sessionGet(), "commentHex": commentHex, } post(origin + "/api/comment/approve", json, function(resp) { if (!resp.success) { errorShow(resp.message); return } var card = $(ID_CARD + commentHex); var options = $(ID_OPTIONS + commentHex); var tick = $(ID_APPROVE + commentHex); classRemove(card, "dark-card"); attr(options, "style", "width: 160px;"); remove(tick); }); } global.commentDelete = function(commentHex) { var json = { "session": sessionGet(), "commentHex": commentHex, } post(origin + "/api/comment/delete", json, function(resp) { if (!resp.success) { errorShow(resp.message); return } var card = $(ID_CARD + commentHex); remove(card); }); } function nameWidthFix() { var els = document.getElementsByClassName("commento-name"); for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) attr(els[i], "style", "max-width: " + (els[i].getBoundingClientRect()["width"] + 20) + "px;") } global.vote = function(commentHex, oldVote, direction) { var upvote = $(ID_UPVOTE + commentHex); var downvote = $(ID_DOWNVOTE + commentHex); var score = $(ID_SCORE + commentHex); var json = { "session": sessionGet(), "commentHex": commentHex, "direction": direction, }; if (direction > 0) { attr(upvote, "onclick", "vote('" + commentHex + "', 1, 0)"); attr(downvote, "onclick", "vote('" + commentHex + "', 1, -1)"); } else if (direction < 0) { attr(upvote, "onclick", "vote('" + commentHex + "', -1, 1)"); attr(downvote, "onclick", "vote('" + commentHex + "', -1, 0)"); } else { attr(upvote, "onclick", "vote('" + commentHex + "', 0, 1)"); attr(downvote, "onclick", "vote('" + commentHex + "', 0, -1)"); } classRemove(upvote, "upvoted"); classRemove(downvote, "downvoted"); if (direction > 0) classAdd(upvote, "upvoted"); else if (direction < 0) classAdd(downvote, "downvoted"); score.innerText = scorify(parseInt(score.innerText.replace(/[^\d-.]/g, "")) + direction - oldVote); post(origin + "/api/comment/vote", json, function(resp) {}); } global.replyShow = function(id) { if (id in shownReply && shownReply[id]) return; var body = $(ID_BODY + id); append(body, textareaCreate(id)); shownReply[id] = true; var replyButton = $(ID_REPLY + id); classRemove(replyButton, "option-reply"); classAdd(replyButton, "option-cancel"); replyButton.title = "Cancel reply"; attr(replyButton, "onclick", "replyCollapse('" + id + "')") }; global.replyCollapse = function(id) { var replyButton = $(ID_REPLY + id); var el = $(ID_SUPER_CONTAINER + id); el.remove(); shownReply[id] = false; shownSubmitButton[id] = false; classAdd(replyButton, "option-reply"); classRemove(replyButton, "option-cancel"); replyButton.title = "Reply to this comment"; attr(replyButton, "onclick", "replyShow('" + id + "')") } global.commentCollapse = function(id) { var contents = $(ID_CONTENTS + id); var button = $(ID_COLLAPSE + id); classAdd(contents, "hidden"); classRemove(button, "option-collapse"); classAdd(button, "option-uncollapse"); button.title = "Expand"; attr(button, "onclick", "commentUncollapse('" + id + "')"); } global.commentUncollapse = function(id) { var contents = $(ID_CONTENTS + id); var button = $(ID_COLLAPSE + id); classRemove(contents, "hidden"); classRemove(button, "option-uncollapse"); classAdd(button, "option-collapse"); button.title = "Collapse"; attr(button, "onclick", "commentCollapse('" + id + "')"); } function commentsRender() { var parentMap = {}; var parentHex; var commentsArea = $(ID_COMMENTS_AREA); comments.forEach(function(comment) { parentHex = comment.parentHex; if (!(parentHex in parentMap)) { parentMap[parentHex] = []; } parentMap[parentHex].push(comment); }); var cards = commentsRecurse(parentMap, "root"); if (cards) { append(commentsArea, cards); } } global.showSubmitButton = function(id) { if (id in shownSubmitButton && shownSubmitButton[id]) return; shownSubmitButton[id] = true; var el = $(ID_SUPER_CONTAINER + id); var submit = create("button"); submit.id = ID_SUBMIT_BUTTON + id; submit.innerText = "Add Comment"; classAdd(submit, "button"); classAdd(submit, "submit-button"); classAdd(el, "button-margin"); attr(submit, "onclick", "postComment('" + id + "')"); append(el, submit); } global.commentoAuth = function(provider, id) { if (provider == "anonymous") { cookieSet("session", "anonymous"); chosenAnonymous = true; refreshAll(function() { if (id != "root") global.replyShow(id); $(ID_TEXTAREA + id).click(); $(ID_TEXTAREA + id).focus(); }); return; } var popup = window.open("", "_blank"); get(origin + "/api/commenter/session/new", function(resp) { if (!resp.success) { errorShow(resp.message); return; } cookieSet("session", resp.session); popup.location = origin + "/api/oauth/" + provider + "/redirect?session=" + resp.session; var interval = setInterval(function() { if (popup.closed) { refreshAll(function() { if (id != "root") global.replyShow(id); $(ID_TEXTAREA + id).click(); $(ID_TEXTAREA + id).focus(); }); clearInterval(interval); } }, 250); }); } function refreshAll(callback) { $("commento").innerHTML = ""; shownSubmitButton = {"root": false}; shownReply = {}; main(callback); } function main(callback) { root = $("commento"); errorElementCreate(); selfGet(function() { commentsGet(function() { rootCreate(function() { commentsRender(); nameWidthFix(); footerLoad(); attr(root, "style", ""); call(callback); }); }); }); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", main); }(window, document));