152 lines
3.7 KiB
152 lines
3.7 KiB
package main
import (
func commentList(commenterHex string, domain string, path string, includeUnapproved bool) ([]comment, map[string]commenter, error) {
if commenterHex == "" || domain == "" || path == "" {
return nil, nil, errorMissingField
statement := `
SELECT commentHex, commenterHex, markdown, html, parentHex, score, state, creationDate
FROM comments
comments.domain = $1 AND
comments.path = $2
if !includeUnapproved {
if commenterHex == "anonymous" {
statement += `
AND state = 'approved'
} else {
statement += `
AND (state = 'approved' OR commenterHex = $3)
statement += `;`
var rows *sql.Rows
var err error
if !includeUnapproved && commenterHex != "anonymous" {
rows, err = db.Query(statement, domain, path, commenterHex)
} else {
rows, err = db.Query(statement, domain, path)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("cannot get comments: %v", err)
return nil, nil, errorInternal
defer rows.Close()
commenters := make(map[string]commenter)
commenters["anonymous"] = commenter{CommenterHex: "anonymous", Email: "undefined", Name: "Anonymous", Link: "undefined", Photo: "undefined", Provider: "undefined"}
comments := []comment{}
for rows.Next() {
c := comment{}
if err = rows.Scan(&c.CommentHex, &c.CommenterHex, &c.Markdown, &c.Html, &c.ParentHex, &c.Score, &c.State, &c.CreationDate); err != nil {
return nil, nil, errorInternal
if commenterHex != "anonymous" {
statement = `
SELECT direction
FROM votes
WHERE commentHex=$1 AND commenterHex=$2;
row := db.QueryRow(statement, c.CommentHex, commenterHex)
if err = row.Scan(&c.VoteDirection); err != nil {
// TODO: is the only error here that there is no such entry?
c.VoteDirection = 0
comments = append(comments, c)
if _, ok := commenters[c.CommenterHex]; !ok {
commenters[c.CommenterHex], err = commenterGetByHex(c.CommenterHex)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorf("cannot retrieve commenter: %v", err)
return nil, nil, errorInternal
return comments, commenters, nil
func commentListHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
type request struct {
Session *string `json:"session"`
Domain *string `json:"domain"`
Path *string `json:"path"`
var x request
if err := unmarshalBody(r, &x); err != nil {
writeBody(w, response{"success": false, "message": err.Error()})
domain := stripDomain(*x.Domain)
path := *x.Path
d, err := domainGet(domain)
if err != nil {
writeBody(w, response{"success": false, "message": err.Error()})
commenterHex := "anonymous"
isModerator := false
if *x.Session != "anonymous" {
c, err := commenterGetBySession(*x.Session)
if err != nil {
if err == errorNoSuchSession {
commenterHex = "anonymous"
} else {
writeBody(w, response{"success": false, "message": err.Error()})
} else {
commenterHex = c.CommenterHex
for _, mod := range d.Moderators {
if mod.Email == c.Email {
isModerator = true
domainViewRecord(domain, commenterHex)
comments, commenters, err := commentList(commenterHex, domain, path, isModerator)
if err != nil {
writeBody(w, response{"success": false, "message": err.Error()})
writeBody(w, response{
"success": true,
"domain": domain,
"comments": comments,
"commenters": commenters,
"requireModeration": d.RequireModeration,
"requireIdentification": d.RequireIdentification,
"isFrozen": d.State == "frozen",
"isModerator": isModerator,