import { createVue, destroyVM, triggerEvent, wait, waitImmediate } from '../util'; describe('Input', () => { let vm; afterEach(() => { destroyVM(vm); }); it('create', async() => { vm = createVue({ template: ` `, data() { return { input: 'input', inputFocus: false }; }, methods: { handleFocus() { this.inputFocus = true; } } }, true); let inputElm = vm.$el.querySelector('input'); inputElm.focus(); expect(vm.inputFocus); expect(inputElm.getAttribute('placeholder')).to.equal('请输入内容'); expect(inputElm.value).to.equal('input'); expect(inputElm.getAttribute('minlength')).to.equal('3'); expect(inputElm.getAttribute('maxlength')).to.equal('5'); vm.input = 'text'; await waitImmediate(); expect(inputElm.value).to.equal('text'); }); it('default to empty', () => { vm = createVue({ template: '' }, true); let inputElm = vm.$el.querySelector('input'); expect(inputElm.value).to.equal(''); }); it('disabled', () => { vm = createVue({ template: ` ` }, true); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('input').getAttribute('disabled')).to.ok; }); it('suffixIcon', () => { vm = createVue({ template: ` ` }, true); var icon = vm.$el.querySelector('.el-input__icon'); expect(icon); }); it('prefixIcon', () => { vm = createVue({ template: ` ` }, true); var icon = vm.$el.querySelector('.el-input__icon'); expect(icon); }); it('size', () => { vm = createVue({ template: ` ` }, true); expect(vm.$el.classList.contains('el-input--large')).to.true; }); it('type', () => { vm = createVue({ template: ` ` }, true); expect(vm.$el.classList.contains('el-textarea')).to.true; }); it('rows', () => { vm = createVue({ template: ` ` }, true); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.el-textarea__inner').getAttribute('rows'))'3'); }); // Github issue #2836 it('resize', async() => { vm = createVue({ template: `
`, data: { resize: 'none' } }, true); await waitImmediate(); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.el-textarea__inner').style.resize); vm.resize = 'horizontal'; await waitImmediate(); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.el-textarea__inner').style.resize); }); it('autosize', async() => { vm = createVue({ template: `
`, data() { return { textareaValue: 'sda\ndasd\nddasdsda\ndasd\nddasdsda\ndasd\nddasdsda\ndasd\nddasd' }; } }, true); var limitSizeInput = vm.$refs.limitSize; var limitlessSizeInput = vm.$refs.limitlessSize; expect(limitSizeInput.textareaStyle.height)'117px'); expect(limitlessSizeInput.textareaStyle.height)'201px'); vm.textareaValue = ''; await wait(); expect(limitSizeInput.textareaStyle.height)'75px'); expect(limitlessSizeInput.textareaStyle.height)'33px'); }); it('focus', async() => { vm = createVue({ template: ` ` }, true); const spy = sinon.spy(); vm.$refs.input.$on('focus', spy); vm.$refs.input.focus(); await waitImmediate(); expect(spy.calledOnce); }); it('Input contains Select and append slot', async() => { vm = createVue({ template: ` `, data() { return { value: '1234', select: '1' }; } }, true); vm.$refs.input.hovering = true; await wait(); const suffixEl = document.querySelector('.input-with-select > .el-input__suffix'); expect(suffixEl); expect(; }); it('validateEvent', async() => { const spy = sinon.spy(); vm = createVue({ template: ` `, data() { const validator = (rule, value, callback) => { spy(); callback(); }; return { model: { input: '' }, rules: { input: [ { validator } ] } }; } }, true); vm.model.input = '123'; await waitImmediate(); expect(spy.called); }); describe('Input Events', () => { it('event:focus & blur', async() => { vm = createVue({ template: ` ` }, true); const spyFocus = sinon.spy(); const spyBlur = sinon.spy(); vm.$refs.input.$on('focus', spyFocus); vm.$refs.input.$on('blur', spyBlur); vm.$el.querySelector('input').focus(); vm.$el.querySelector('input').blur(); await waitImmediate(); expect(spyFocus.calledOnce); expect(spyBlur.calledOnce); }); it('event:change', async() => { // NOTE: should be same as native's change behavior vm = createVue({ template: ` `, data() { return { input: 'a' }; } }, true); const inputElm = vm.$el.querySelector('input'); const simulateEvent = (text, event) => { inputElm.value = text; inputElm.dispatchEvent(new Event(event)); }; const spy = sinon.spy(); vm.$refs.input.$on('change', spy); // simplified test, component should emit change when native does simulateEvent('1', 'input'); simulateEvent('2', 'change'); await waitImmediate(); expect(spy.calledWith('2')); expect(spy.calledOnce); }); it('event:clear', async() => { vm = createVue({ template: ` `, data() { return { input: 'a' }; } }, true); const spyClear = sinon.spy(); const inputElm = vm.$el.querySelector('input'); // focus to show clear button inputElm.focus(); vm.$refs.input.$on('clear', spyClear); await waitImmediate(); vm.$el.querySelector('.el-input__clear').click(); await waitImmediate(); expect(spyClear.calledOnce); }); it('event:input', async() => { vm = createVue({ template: ` `, data() { return { input: 'a' }; } }, true); const spy = sinon.spy(); vm.$refs.input.$on('input', spy); const nativeInput = vm.$refs.input.$el.querySelector('input'); nativeInput.value = '1'; triggerEvent(nativeInput, 'compositionstart'); triggerEvent(nativeInput, 'input'); await waitImmediate(); nativeInput.value = '2'; triggerEvent(nativeInput, 'compositionupdate'); triggerEvent(nativeInput, 'input'); await waitImmediate(); triggerEvent(nativeInput, 'compositionend'); await waitImmediate(); // input event does not fire during composition expect(spy.calledOnce); // native input value is controlled expect(vm.input).to.equal('a'); expect(nativeInput.value).to.equal('a'); }); }); describe('Input Methods', () => { it('method:select', async() => { const testContent = 'test'; vm = createVue({ template: ` ` }, true); expect(vm.$refs.inputComp.$refs.input.selectionStart).to.equal(testContent.length); expect(vm.$refs.inputComp.$refs.input.selectionEnd).to.equal(testContent.length); vm.$; await waitImmediate(); expect(vm.$refs.inputComp.$refs.input.selectionStart).to.equal(0); expect(vm.$refs.inputComp.$refs.input.selectionEnd).to.equal(testContent.length); }); }); it('sets value on textarea / input type change', async() => { vm = createVue({ template: ` `, data() { return { type: 'text', val: '123' }; } }, true); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('input').value).to.equal('123'); vm.type = 'textarea'; await waitImmediate(); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('textarea').value).to.equal('123'); vm.type = 'password'; await waitImmediate(); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('input').value).to.equal('123'); }); it('limit input and show word count', async() => { vm = createVue({ template: `
`, data() { return { input1: '', input2: '', input3: '', input4: 'exceed', show: false }; } }, true); const inputElm1 = vm.$el.querySelector('.test-text'); const inputElm2 = vm.$el.querySelector('.test-textarea'); const inputElm3 = vm.$el.querySelector('.test-password'); const inputElm4 = vm.$el.querySelector('.test-initial-exceed'); expect(inputElm1.querySelectorAll('.el-input__count').length).to.equal(0); expect(inputElm2.querySelectorAll('.el-input__count').length).to.equal(1); expect(inputElm3.querySelectorAll('.el-input__count').length).to.equal(0); expect(inputElm4.classList.contains('is-exceed')).to.true; = true; await waitImmediate(); expect(inputElm1.querySelectorAll('.el-input__count').length).to.equal(1); vm.input4 = '1'; await waitImmediate(); expect(inputElm4.classList.contains('is-exceed')).to.false; }); });