import { createTest, createVue, destroyVM } from '../util'; import Switch from 'packages/switch'; import Vue from 'vue'; describe('Switch', () => { let vm; afterEach(() => { destroyVM(vm); }); it('create', () => { vm = createTest(Switch, { activeText: 'on', inactiveText: 'off', activeColor: '#0f0', inactiveColor: '#f00', width: 100 }); const core = vm.$el.querySelector('.el-switch__core'); expect('rgb(255, 0, 0)'); expect('100px'); expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.el-switch__label--left').querySelector('span').textContent).to.equal('off'); }); it('switch with icons', () => { vm = createTest(Switch, { activeIconClass: 'el-icon-check', inactiveIconClass: 'el-icon-close' }); const icon = vm.$el.querySelector('.el-switch__label--left').querySelector('i'); expect(icon.classList.contains('el-icon-close')).to.true; }); it('value correctly update', done => { vm = createVue({ template: `
`, data() { return { value: true }; } }, true); const core = vm.$el.querySelector('.el-switch__core'); expect('rgb(0, 255, 0)');; setTimeout(() => { expect('rgb(255, 0, 0)'); expect(vm.value).to.equal(false);; setTimeout(() => { expect(vm.value).to.equal(true); done(); }, 10); }, 10); }); it('change event', done => { vm = createVue({ template: `
`, mounted() { setTimeout(() => { this.value = false; }, 10); }, methods: { handleChange(val) { = val; } }, data() { return { target: 1, value: true }; } }, true); setTimeout(() => { const core = vm.$el.querySelector('.el-switch__core'); expect(;; setTimeout(() => { expect(; done(); }, 10); }, 50); }); it('disabled switch should not respond to user click', done => { vm = createVue({ template: `
`, data() { return { value: true }; } }, true); vm.$el.querySelector('.el-switch__core').click(); Vue.nextTick(() => { expect(vm.value).to.true; done(); }); }); it('expand switch value', done => { vm = createVue({ template: `
`, data() { return { value: '100', onValue: '100', offValue: '0' }; } }, true); const core = vm.$el.querySelector('.el-switch__core');; setTimeout(() => { expect(vm.value).to.equal('0');; setTimeout(() => { expect(vm.value).to.equal('100'); done(); }, 10); }, 10); }); it('value is the single source of truth', done => { vm = createVue({ template: `
` }, true); const component = vm.$children[0]; const input = vm.$el.querySelector('input'); const core = vm.$el.querySelector('.el-switch__core');; setTimeout(() => { expect(component.checked).to.equal(true); expect(component.$el.classList.contains('is-checked')).to.equal(true); expect(input.checked).to.equal(true);; setTimeout(() => { expect(component.checked).to.equal(true); expect(component.$el.classList.contains('is-checked')).to.equal(true); expect(input.checked).to.equal(true); done(); }, 10); }, 10); }); it('sets checkbox value', done => { vm = createVue({ template: `
`, data() { return { value: false }; } }, true); vm.value = true; setTimeout(() => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('input').checked).to.equal(true); vm.value = false; setTimeout(() => { expect(vm.$el.querySelector('input').checked).to.equal(false); done(); }, 10); }, 10); }); });