use std::env::current_dir; use paris::{error, info}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use tauri::api::path::config_dir; use tokio::sync::OnceCell; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, PartialEq)] pub enum Border { Top, Bottom, Left, Right, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct LedStripConfigOfBorders { pub top: Option, pub bottom: Option, pub left: Option, pub right: Option, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct LedStripConfig { pub index: usize, pub border: Border, pub display_id: u32, pub start_pos: usize, pub len: usize, } #[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct LedStripConfigGroup { pub items: Vec, } impl LedStripConfig { pub async fn global() -> &'static Vec { static LED_STRIP_CONFIGS_GLOBAL: OnceCell> = OnceCell::const_new(); LED_STRIP_CONFIGS_GLOBAL .get_or_init(|| async { Self::read_config().await.unwrap() }) .await } pub async fn read_config() -> anyhow::Result> { // config path let path = config_dir() .unwrap_or(current_dir().unwrap()) .join("led_strip_config.toml"); let exists = tokio::fs::try_exists(path.clone()) .await .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to check config file exists: {}", e))?; if exists { let config = tokio::fs::read_to_string(path).await?; let config: LedStripConfigGroup = toml::from_str(&config) .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to parse config file: {}", e))?; Ok(config.items) } else { info!("config file not exist, fallback to default config"); Ok(Self::get_default_config().await?) } } pub async fn write_config(configs: &Vec) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let path = config_dir() .unwrap_or(current_dir().unwrap()) .join("led_strip_config.toml"); let configs = LedStripConfigGroup { items: configs.clone() }; let config = toml::to_string(&configs).map_err(|e| { anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to parse config file: {}. configs: {:?}", e, configs) })?; tokio::fs::write(&path, config).await.map_err(|e| { anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to write config file: {}. path: {:?}", e, &path) })?; Ok(()) } pub async fn get_default_config() -> anyhow::Result> { let displays = display_info::DisplayInfo::all().map_err(|e| { error!("can not list display info: {}", e); anyhow::anyhow!("can not list display info: {}", e) })?; let mut configs = Vec::new(); for (i, display) in displays.iter().enumerate() { for j in 0..4 { let config = Self { index: j + i * 4 * 30, display_id:, border: match j { 0 => Border::Top, 1 => Border::Bottom, 2 => Border::Left, 3 => Border::Right, _ => unreachable!(), }, start_pos: 0, len: 30, }; configs.push(config); } } Ok(configs) } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct LedStripConfigOfDisplays { pub id: u32, pub index_of_display: usize, pub led_strip_of_borders: LedStripConfigOfBorders, } impl LedStripConfigOfBorders { pub fn default() -> Self { Self { top: None, bottom: None, left: None, right: None, } } } impl LedStripConfigOfDisplays { pub fn default(id: u32, index_of_display: usize) -> Self { Self { id, index_of_display, led_strip_of_borders: LedStripConfigOfBorders::default(), } } pub async fn read_from_disk() -> anyhow::Result { let path = config_dir() .unwrap_or(current_dir().unwrap()) .join("led_strip_config_of_displays.toml"); let exists = tokio::fs::try_exists(path.clone()) .await .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to check config file exists: {}", e))?; if exists { let config = tokio::fs::read_to_string(path).await?; let config: Self = toml::from_str(&config) .map_err(|e| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to parse config file: {}", e))?; Ok(config) } else { info!("config file not exist, fallback to default config"); Ok(Self::get_default_config().await?) } } pub async fn write_to_disk(&self) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let path = config_dir() .unwrap_or(current_dir().unwrap()) .join("led_strip_config_of_displays.toml"); let config = toml::to_string(self).map_err(|e| { anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to parse config file: {}. config: {:?}", e, self) })?; tokio::fs::write(&path, config).await.map_err(|e| { anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to write config file: {}. path: {:?}", e, &path) })?; Ok(()) } pub async fn get_default_config() -> anyhow::Result { let displays = display_info::DisplayInfo::all().map_err(|e| { error!("can not list display info: {}", e); anyhow::anyhow!("can not list display info: {}", e) })?; let mut configs = Vec::new(); for (i, display) in displays.iter().enumerate() { let config = Self { id:, index_of_display: i, led_strip_of_borders: LedStripConfigOfBorders { top: Some(LedStripConfig { index: i * 4 * 30, display_id:, border: Border::Top, start_pos: i * 4 * 30, len: 30, }), bottom: Some(LedStripConfig { index: i * 4 * 30 + 30, display_id:, border: Border::Bottom, start_pos: i * 4 * 30 + 30, len: 30, }), left: Some(LedStripConfig { index: i * 4 * 30 + 60, display_id:, border: Border::Left, start_pos: i * 4 * 30 + 60, len: 30, }), right: Some(LedStripConfig { index: i * 4 * 30 + 90, display_id:, border: Border::Right, start_pos: i * 4 * 30 + 90, len: 30, }), } }; configs.push(config); } Ok(configs[0]) } }