feat: 将环境光、距离传感器从 9930 升级到 APDS9960. #4.

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Li 2023-03-06 20:57:25 +08:00
parent 93e8f2beda
commit f6b7a398cd
6 changed files with 273 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
idf_component_register(SRCS "pca9555.c" "i2c.c" "asr_pro.c" "ci_03t.c" "ui_input.c" "ambient_light.c" "temperature.c" "embedded_display.c" "mqtt.c" "main.c" "wifi.c" "light.c" "mqtt.c"
idf_component_register(SRCS "apds_9960.c" "pca9555.c" "i2c.c" "asr_pro.c" "ci_03t.c" "ui_input.c" "ambient_light.c" "temperature.c" "embedded_display.c" "mqtt.c" "main.c" "wifi.c" "light.c" "mqtt.c"

View File

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ void ambient_light_auto_fetch() {
void ambient_light_init() {
if (is_apds_9930_online == 0) {
ESP_LOGI(AMBIENT_LIGHT_TAG, "AMG8833 is offline");
ESP_LOGI(AMBIENT_LIGHT_TAG, "APDS 9930 is offline");
ESP_LOGI(AMBIENT_LIGHT_TAG, "Initializing APDS-9930");

main/apds_9960.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "driver/i2c.h"
#include "embedded_display.c"
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "i2c.c"
// #define APDS_9930_CMD_REPEATED 0x80 // 命令重复地址
// #define APDS_9930_CMD_AUTO_INCREMENT 0x90 // 命令自动递增地址
// 0x80 ENABLE R/W Enable states and interrupts 0x00
// 0x81 ATIME R/W ADC integration time 0xFF
// 0x83 WTIME R/W Wait time (non-gesture) 0xFF
// 0x84 AILTL R/W ALS interrupt low threshold low byte --
// 0x85 AILTH R/W ALS interrupt low threshold high byte --
// 0x86 AIHTL R/W ALS interrupt high threshold low byte 0x00
// 0x87 AIHTH R/W ALS interrupt high threshold high byte 0x00
// 0x89 PILT R/W Proximity interrupt low threshold 0x00
// 0x8B PIHT R/W Proximity interrupt high threshold 0x00
// 0x8C PERS R/W Interrupt persistence filters (non-gesture) 0x00
// 0x8D CONFIG1 R/W Configuration register one 0x60
// 0x8E PPULSE R/W Proximity pulse count and length 0x40
// 0x8F CONTROL R/W Gain control 0x00
// 0x90 CONFIG2 R/W Configuration register two 0x01
// 0x92 ID R Device ID ID
// 0x93 STATUS R Device status 0x00
// 0x94 CDATAL R Low byte of clear channel data 0x00
// 0x95 CDATAH R High byte of clear channel data 0x00
// 0x96 RDATAL R Low byte of red channel data 0x00
// 0x97 RDATAH R High byte of red channel data 0x00
// 0x98 GDATAL R Low byte of green channel data 0x00
// 0x99 GDATAH R High byte of green channel data 0x00
// 0x9A BDATAL R Low byte of blue channel data 0x00
// 0x9B BDATAH R High byte of blue channel data 0x00
// 0x9C PDATA R Proximity data 0x00
// 0x9D POFFSET_UR R/W Proximity offset for UP and RIGHT photodiodes 0x00
// 0x9E POFFSET_DL R/W Proximity offset for DOWN and LEFT photodiodes 0x00
// 0x9F CONFIG3 R/W Configuration register three 0x00
// 0xA0 GPENTH R/W Gesture proximity enter threshold 0x00
// 0xA1 GEXTH R/W Gesture exit threshold 0x00
// 0xA2 GCONF1 R/W Gesture configuration one 0x00
// 0xA3 GCONF2 R/W Gesture configuration two 0x00
// 0xA4 GOFFSET_U R/W Gesture UP offset register 0x00
// 0xA5 GOFFSET_D R/W Gesture DOWN offset register 0x00
// 0xA7 GOFFSET_L R/W Gesture LEFT offset register 0x00
// 0xA9 GOFFSET_R R/W Gesture RIGHT offset register 0x00
// 0xA6 GPULSE R/W Gesture pulse count and length 0x40
// 0xAA GCONF3 R/W Gesture configuration three 0x00
// 0xAB GCONF4 R/W Gesture configuration four 0x00
// 0xAE GFLVL R Gesture FIFO level 0x00
// 0xAF GSTATUS R Gesture status 0x00
// 0xE4 (1) IFORCE W Force interrupt 0x00
// 0xE5 (1) PICLEAR W Proximity interrupt clear 0x00
// 0xE6 (1) CICLEAR W ALS clear channel interrupt clear 0x00
// 0xE7 (1) AICLEAR W All non-gesture interrupts clear 0x00
// 0xFC GFIFO_U R Gesture FIFO UP value 0x00
// 0xFD GFIFO_D R Gesture FIFO DOWN value 0x00
// 0xFE GFIFO_L R Gesture FIFO LEFT value 0x00
// 0xFF GFIFO_R R Gesture FIFO RIGHT value 0x00
// ----------------------------------- 描述 默认值
#define APDS_9960_REG_ENABLE 0x80 // 状态和中断的启用 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_ATIME 0x81 // ADC 积分时间 0xff
#define APDS_9960_REG_WTIME 0x83 // 等待时间(非手势) 0xff
#define APDS_9960_REG_AILTL 0x84 // ALS 中断低阈值低字节 --
#define APDS_9960_REG_AILTH 0x85 // ALS 中断低阈值高字节 --
#define APDS_9960_REG_AIHTL 0x86 // ALS 中断高阈值低字节 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_AIHTH 0x87 // ALS 中断高阈值高字节 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_PILT 0x89 // 接近中断低阈值 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_PIHT 0x8B // 接近中断高阈值 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_PERS 0x8C // 中断持续性过滤器(非手势) 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_CONFIG1 0x8D // 配置寄存器一 0x60
#define APDS_9960_REG_PPULSE 0x8E // 接近脉冲计数和长度 0x40
#define APDS_9960_REG_CONTROL 0x8F // 增益控制 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_CONFIG2 0x90 // 配置寄存器二 0x01
#define APDS_9960_REG_ID 0x92 // 设备 ID ID
#define APDS_9960_REG_STATUS 0x93 // 设备状态 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_CDATAL 0x94 // 清除通道数据低字节 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_CDATAH 0x95 // 清除通道数据高字节 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_RDATAL 0x96 // 红色通道数据低字节 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_RDATAH 0x97 // 红色通道数据高字节 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GDATAL 0x98 // 绿色通道数据低字节 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GDATAH 0x99 // 绿色通道数据高字节 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_BDATAL 0x9A // 蓝色通道数据低字节 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_BDATAH 0x9B // 蓝色通道数据高字节 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_PDATA 0x9C // 接近数据 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_POFFSET_UR 0x9D // 接近偏移量上和右 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_POFFSET_DL 0x9E // 接近偏移量下和左 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_CONFIG3 0x9F // 配置寄存器三 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GPENTH 0xA0 // 手势进入阈值 0x28
#define APDS_9960_REG_GEXTH 0xA1 // 手势退出阈值 0x1E
#define APDS_9960_REG_GCONF1 0xA2 // 手势配置寄存器一 0x40
#define APDS_9960_REG_GCONF2 0xA3 // 手势配置寄存器二 0x66
#define APDS_9960_REG_GOFFSET_U 0xA4 // 手势偏移量上 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GOFFSET_D 0xA5 // 手势偏移量下 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GOFFSET_L 0xA7 // 手势偏移量左 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GOFFSET_R 0xA9 // 手势偏移量右 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GPULSE 0xA6 // 手势脉冲计数和长度 0xC5
#define APDS_9960_REG_GCONF3 0xAA // 手势配置寄存器三 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GCONF4 0xAB // 手势配置寄存器四 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GFLVL 0xAE // 手势 FIFO 级别 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GSTATUS 0xAF // 手势状态 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_IFORCE 0xE4 // 强制中断 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_PICLEAR 0xE5 // 清除接近中断 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_CICLEAR 0xE6 // 清除 ALS 中断 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_AICLEAR 0xE7 // 清除手势中断 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GFIFO_U 0xFC // 手势 FIFO 数据上 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GFIFO_D 0xFD // 手势 FIFO 数据下 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GFIFO_L 0xFE // 手势 FIFO 数据左 0x00
#define APDS_9960_REG_GFIFO_R 0xFF // 手势 FIFO 数据右 0x00
#define APDS_9960_CONTROL_VALUE \
0b00001010 // 50 mA LED, Reserved, 2x PGAIN, 4x ALS/Cain GAIN
#define APDS_9960_ENABLE_VALUE 0b00000111
#define APDS_9930_OFFSET_VALUE 0x8f
#define APDS_9960_TAG "APDS-9960"
esp_err_t apds_9960_write(uint8_t command, uint8_t data) {
i2c_cmd_handle_t cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create();
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, APDS_9960_ADDRESS << 1 | I2C_MASTER_WRITE,
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, command, ACK_CHECK_EN);
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, data, ACK_CHECK_EN);
esp_err_t error =
i2c_master_cmd_begin(I2C_MASTER_NUM, cmd, 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
if (error != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGW(APDS_9960_TAG, "write failed. %d", error);
return error;
esp_err_t apds_9960_read_byte(uint8_t command, uint8_t* data) {
i2c_cmd_handle_t cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create();
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, APDS_9960_ADDRESS << 1 | I2C_MASTER_WRITE,
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, command, ACK_CHECK_EN);
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, APDS_9960_ADDRESS << 1 | I2C_MASTER_READ,
i2c_master_read_byte(cmd, data, NACK_VAL);
esp_err_t error =
i2c_master_cmd_begin(I2C_MASTER_NUM, cmd, 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
if (error != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGW(APDS_9960_TAG, "write failed. %d", error);
return error;
// read word
esp_err_t apds_9960_read_word(uint8_t command, uint16_t* data) {
i2c_cmd_handle_t cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create();
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, APDS_9960_ADDRESS << 1 | I2C_MASTER_WRITE,
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, command, ACK_CHECK_EN);
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, APDS_9960_ADDRESS << 1 | I2C_MASTER_READ,
i2c_master_read_byte(cmd, (uint8_t*)data, ACK_VAL);
i2c_master_read_byte(cmd, (uint8_t*)data + 1, NACK_VAL);
esp_err_t error =
i2c_master_cmd_begin(I2C_MASTER_NUM, cmd, 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS);
if (error != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGW(APDS_9960_TAG, "write failed. %d", error);
return error;
void apes_9960_fetch(void* arg) {
ESP_LOGI(APDS_9960_TAG, "apes_9960_fetch");
esp_err_t error;
uint16_t red_raw;
uint16_t green_raw;
uint16_t blue_raw;
uint16_t clear_raw;
uint8_t proximity_raw;
char red_str[10];
char green_str[10];
char blue_str[10];
char clear_str[10];
char proximity_str[10];
display_fill_rect(0, 2, 128, 8, 0x00);
for (;;) {
// Proximity
error = apds_9960_read_byte(APDS_9960_REG_PDATA, &proximity_raw);
if (error != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGW(APDS_9960_TAG, "read proximity failed. %x", error);
} else {
sprintf(proximity_str, "Prox: % 5d ", proximity_raw);
display_print8_str(8, 2, proximity_str);
ESP_LOGD(APDS_9960_TAG, "Prox: %d %x", proximity_raw);
// red
error = apds_9960_read_word(APDS_9960_REG_RDATAL, &red_raw);
if (error != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGW(APDS_9960_TAG, "read failed. %x", error);
} else {
sprintf(red_str, "R:% 5d", red_raw);
display_print8_str(0, 4, red_str);
ESP_LOGD(APDS_9960_TAG, "Red: %d", red_raw);
// green
error = apds_9960_read_word(APDS_9960_REG_GDATAL, &green_raw);
if (error != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGW(APDS_9960_TAG, "read failed. %x", error);
} else {
sprintf(green_str, "G:% 5d", green_raw);
display_print8_str(64, 4, green_str);
ESP_LOGD(APDS_9960_TAG, "Green: %d", green_raw);
// blue
error = apds_9960_read_word(APDS_9960_REG_BDATAL, &blue_raw);
if (error != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGW(APDS_9960_TAG, "read failed. %x", error);
} else {
sprintf(blue_str, "B:% 5d", blue_raw);
display_print8_str(0, 6, blue_str);
ESP_LOGD(APDS_9960_TAG, "Blue: %d", blue_raw);
// clear
error = apds_9960_read_word(APDS_9960_REG_CDATAL, &clear_raw);
if (error != ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGW(APDS_9960_TAG, "read failed. %x", error);
} else {
sprintf(clear_str, "C:% 4d", clear_raw);
display_print8_str(64, 6, clear_str);
ESP_LOGD(APDS_9960_TAG, "Clear: %d", clear_raw);
display_fill_rect(0, 2, 128, 8, 0x00);
void apes_9960_auto_fetch() {
if (is_apds_9960_online == 0) {
xTaskCreate(apes_9960_fetch, "APDS-9960-fetch", 2048, NULL, 10, NULL);
void apes_9960_init() {
if (is_apds_9960_online == 0) {
ESP_LOGI(APDS_9960_TAG, "APDS-9960 is offline");
ESP_LOGI(APDS_9960_TAG, "Initializing APDS-9960");
apds_9960_write(APDS_9960_REG_CONTROL, APDS_9960_CONTROL_VALUE));
apds_9960_write(APDS_9960_REG_ENABLE, APDS_9960_ENABLE_VALUE));

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
void i2cWriteByte(uint8_t reg, uint8_t data) {
i2c_cmd_handle_t cmd = i2c_cmd_link_create();
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, I2C_ADDRESS << 1 | I2C_MASTER_WRITE, true);
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, SSD1306_ADDRESS << 1 | I2C_MASTER_WRITE, true);
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, reg, true);
i2c_master_write_byte(cmd, data, true);

View File

@ -20,13 +20,15 @@
#define PCA9555_ADDRESS 0x20
#define GX21M15_ADDRESS 0x48
#define APDS_9930_ADDRESS 0x39
#define I2C_ADDRESS 0x3c
#define APDS_9960_ADDRESS 0x39
#define SSD1306_ADDRESS 0x3c
static const char *I2C_TAG = "APP_I2C";
static uint8_t is_temperature_online = 0;
static uint8_t is_pca9555_online = 0;
static uint8_t is_apds_9930_online = 0;
static uint8_t is_apds_9960_online = 0;
static uint8_t is_embedded_display_online = 0;
void init_i2c() {
@ -71,5 +73,6 @@ void i2c_check_slaves() {
is_temperature_online = i2c_check_slave_exists(GX21M15_ADDRESS);
is_pca9555_online = i2c_check_slave_exists(PCA9555_ADDRESS);
is_apds_9930_online = i2c_check_slave_exists(APDS_9930_ADDRESS);
is_embedded_display_online = i2c_check_slave_exists(I2C_ADDRESS);
is_apds_9960_online = i2c_check_slave_exists(APDS_9960_ADDRESS);
is_embedded_display_online = i2c_check_slave_exists(SSD1306_ADDRESS);

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#include "ambient_light.c"
#include "apds_9960.c"
#include "ci_03t.c"
#include "embedded_display.c"
#include "esp_log.h"
@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ void app_main(void) {
display_print8_str(0, 0, "Ambient Light");